Herbal Remedy to Treat Heartburn

These are several potiosn of herbal remedy which is used for treating heartburn.

1. Potion I

One seed of the mango fruit.

How to make
Outer peel is excluded and seed of mango is grated. Add boiled water and two tablespoons of salt in the grated seed, squeeze and strain the pulp.

How to use
The potion is taken twice a day with a dose of two tablespoons at a time.

2. Potion II

Peel and five seeds of lanseh totree.

How to make
Those materials are roasted until black, and then mashed up into a powder. Lanseh totree seed powder is brewed with half a glass of hot water.

How to use
Take twice a day in warm conditions until the sense of heartburn disappeared.

3. Potion III

sap of old pineapple fruit.

How to make
Old pineapple grated and squeezed, then the water is drunk.

How to use
The potion is taken twice a day.

4. Potion IV

Fifteen grams of ginger, five grains of cloves, ten grams of black temu, and ten grams of mandarin orange peel.

How to make
All the materials are cleanly washed, then boiled with 500 ml of water until the water remaining 200 ml. After becomes cold, filtered the water and the distillate water is drunk.

How to use
Drink twice a day.

5. Potions V

One tablespoon of pure coffee powder.

How to make
Boil the coffee powder with a glass of hot water. Let it becomes cold.

How to use
Drink twice a day. Two glasses of it at a time.

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